【2018.04.06】 「EU加盟26カ国大使書簡に関する声明文」
代表 佐々木 昇
駐日EU加盟国各国の大使として、私たちが最も重視する非常に繊細な問題についての懸念を共有させてください。 近年、日本に居住し仕事に従事しているEU市民のコミュニティは急速に成長しており、多くの仲間達がこの国で家族を築き始めました。日本には、人生とキャリアを築く場所として多くの理由があります。EU市民は日本の成長と経済の国際化に貢献しています。
これらの理由から、私たちは、この微妙な問題について日本裁判所が独占的な役割を果たしていることを再確認するために、私たちの書簡を考慮することを願っています。それ故に、私たちは、日本が加盟国となっている子どもの権利条約に基づいて、日本の裁判所の判決の実施の重要性を伝えるために両親と定期的に連絡を取ること維持し、子どもの権利に関する問題に対して注意を喚起して頂きたいと願っております。なお、国連条約は、締約国が子どもの利益のために行動しなければならず、双方の両親が子どもの育成と発達に共通の責任を負うという原則の認識を確実にするために最善の努力をするものとされています。私たちはまた、国際レベルでも、子供たちの保護を認めるという日本の決定を強く支持しています。2014年のハーグ条約の批准は、日本がこの問題に関して国際法を強化しようとする意欲の一例です。 日本と欧州連合加盟国28カ国との優れた関係をさらに深めて、日本国裁判所の判決を実施するために、この合同文書が所轄官庁の意識を高めるのに役立つことを心から願っています。 この書簡のフォローアップとして、私たちは、貴女の責任の下、関係部門とこの問題についての対話と意見交換を強化したいと考えています。
Mrs. Yoko Kamikawa
Minister of Justice
Tokyo, 6 March 2018
Madam Minister,
Please allow us to share our concerns regarding a very delicate issue, to which we attach the utmost importance, as Ambassadors of the EU Member States to Japan.
The community of EU citizens living and working in Japan has grown very rapidly in recent years, and many of our fellow nationals have started families in this country. There are many good reasons to choose Japan as a place to build a life and a career. Those EU citizens contribute to growth in Japan and to the internationalization of its economy.
However, there are also many cases of divorce and separation in Japan involving EU citizens. Unfortunately, when children are also involved, in some cases they have become victims of a situation in which the relevant laws and judicial decisions do not appear to be fully enforced.
We have at this moment several instances of EU citizens who, even after a decision is given which grants them custody or visitation rights, cannot have any contact with the minors, due to strong opposition by the other party. In some cases it has not been possible to implement decisions of Japanese Courts even with the presence of tribunal staff.
For these reasons we hope that you will take into consideration our letter, in which we reaffirm the exclusive role of the Japanese Courts in ruling about this delicate matter. Therefore we wish to draw your attention to the issue of the right of a child, in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to which Japan is a party, to maintain contact with both parents on a regular basis, in order to signal the importance of the enforcement of the rulings of Japanese Courts. Moreover, the UN Convention requires that the states parties must act in the best interests of the child and shall use their best efforts to ensure the recognition of the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for the upbringing and development of the child. We also strongly support the decisions Japan has made, also at the international level, to grant protection to children: the ratification of the Convention of The Hague in 2014 is one clear example of the willingness of Japan to enhance the international law on this matter.
We sincerely hope that this joint letter will help in raising the awareness of the competent authorities in order to implement the judgements of the Japanese Courts, fostering even further the outstanding relations between Japan and all the 28 Member States of the EU.
As a follow up to this letter, we wish to enhance dialogue and exchange on this matter with the relevant departments under your responsibility.
Sincerely yours,